" We must learn our limits. We are all something, but none of us are everything." - Blaise Pascal
Do you feel like you are trying to keep the candle burning at both ends all day? Instead of enjoying a relaxing evening after a busy day are you faced with piles of laundry, a sink full of dishes, and taxi service for the kids? Are the bills past due, simply because you've no time to get organized? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it may be time to press pause, take a look at your situation and start taking the steps necessary to strike a balance.
Striking a balance in our daily lives can be very difficult. Just when we think we've got it all together something happens to get us off-balance again. Here's what I've learned about striking a balance. . . it requires focus, determination, confidence, and limits.
Focus on the things that are most important in your life. Are you taking time each day for these things? Be determined to get your life back on track by setting goals, and writing out a plan that will get you there. Don't rely on your own strength. Seek guidance and wisdom from God. Instead of relying on self-confidence, have God-confidence. In other words. . . know your limits. You don't have to do it all. As a matter of fact, you can't do it all. If you are trying to handle everything on your own, you will constantly be battling the balance issue. Do what you can, and rely on God for the rest.
Breathe. Take time each day to meditate on God's word. Enjoy the beauty all around you. Unplug from all devices for just a little while each day, and refresh your body, mind, and soul.
"The truly important things in life - love, beauty, and one's own uniqueness are constantly being overlooked." - Pablo Casal
"Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself." - St. Francis de Sales
