"If you think about what you ought to do for other people, your character will take care of itself." - Woodrow Wilson
Do you live with regrets? Here's my advice for you today: Learn from your past, but don't let it control your destiny! It's time to put the past in the past, and start enjoying the sunshine of a brand new day! I know for some of you it will be easier said than done. But I assure you that it can be done.
Here's how you do it. . . Stop talking about it. Stop obsessing over it. Stop allowing the mistakes of the past to affect your spirit, determination, and drive for a better life and a better tomorrow. Become that feisty child that you once were, and find the strength to overcome your disappointments. Let your past experience work for you, and not against you. When you do, your drive and determination will work like a charm.
Choose your fiends wisely. If your friends are bringing out the worst in you, it's time to find new friends. I'm not suggesting that you cut off all ties with them, instead choose to surround yourself with positive people who look for the best in everyone.
Remind yourself that happiness is a journey. "If you look back over the past week and discover that you had moments of happiness, albeit fleeting ones, but moments of stress, anxiety, frustration, exasperation, sadness, resentment, jealousy, impatience, worry, concern, anger, and fear dominated, grab a cup of your favorite tea, put your feet up, and consider this isn't something that you feel only after you've accomplished everything you want to achieve in life. Nope. It's available to you during every step of this journey. But you make the choice of whether or not you experience it." - Meera Lester
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
Choose to be happy and have a great day!!
